Atoll presentation Blog exploring the 'virtues' of public space and culture as part of Beam's Orange and Green Sustainable Placements in Andalucía: Orange and Green is a transnational programme for individuals developing their understanding of sustainable design and the built environment from a wider European viewpoint. Participants undertake a 13 week placement in a professional organisation in Spain.

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Just been introduced to the concept of Joe Hatchiban's wonderful yet simple Bearpit Karaoke  in Berlin's Mauerpark. Check it out on Youtube

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Seven Virtues of Public Space Presentation

Seven Virtues


The Seven Heavenly Virtues were first coined by the Greek philosophers, Aristotle and Pato (that is: Liberality, Temperance, Chastity, Humility, Patience, Dilligence & Kindness). They were linked and directly opposed the cooresponding Seven Deadly Sins (that is: Greed, Gluttony, Lust, Pride, Wrath, Sloth & Envy). 

In terms of applying a civic influence via art on our shared public spaces, the following exemplar case studies are suggested as a starting point for discussion:

1. Liberality
Will, benevolence, generosity, sacrifice

City of Sugar Land town square, Texas

2. Temperance 
Self-Control, justice, honour, abstention

Public Ownership
Crown Fountain, Millennium Park, Chicago

3. Humility
Bravery, modesty, reverence, altruism

Pop-Up Holistic
Urban Physic Garden, London

4. Chastity
Purity, knowledge, honesty, wisdom

Story Telling
Sultans Elephant, Nantes (&  London)

5. Patience
Peace, mercy, ahimsa, sufferance

1968 L'Atelier Populaire, Paris

6. Diligence
Persistence, effort, ethics, rectitude

Social Engagement
Living as Form, Creative Time, New York

7. Kindness 
Satisfaction, loyalty, compassion, integrity

Pay it Forward
Improv Everywhere, New York